About us

인사말 Greetings

The Institute for Religion and Civic Culture(IRCC) was established in 2016. In the postmodern condition of the so-called ‘religious secularization era’, the theme of "religion" and "civic culture" is adopted as its core

research topics, resulting from insights and reflections on the existential situation of the 21st century facing the crisis of civilizational transformation.

What we have learned from the history of human civilization is that religion (spirituality) has constantly been a significant source of the transcendental values or horizons that could break through the existing civilization

paradigm. This insight allows us to explore the possibility of a transformation to a "holistic" civilization paradigm that global society, including Korean society, should pursue amid the civilizational crisis.

In order to explore this shift of paradigm theoretically and practically, IRCC seeks to establish policy agendas at the level of religious governance in the political, economic, social and cultural sectors. This is actually to set up agendas for promoting civic values, civic engagement and action, and seek plausible ways to implement these agendas.

This goal and vision will be achieved in both theory and practice, and through domestic and international research collaborations.

Director Francis Jae-Ryong Song

 About us


The Institute for Religion and Civic Culture(IRCC) was established in 2016. In the postmodern condition of the so-called ‘religious secularization era’, the theme of "religion" and "civic culture" is adopted as its core research topics, resulting from insights and reflections on the existential situation of the 21st century facing the crisis of civiliza-tional transformation. What we have learned from the history of human civilization is that religion (spirituality) has constantly been a significant source of transcendental values or horizons that could break through the existing civilization paradigm. This insight allows us to explore the possibility of a transformation to a "holistic" civilization paradigm that global society, including Korean society, should pursue amid the civilizational crisis.


  In order to explore this shift of paradigm theoretically and practically, IRCC seeks to establish policy agendas at the level of religious governance in the political, economic, social and cultural sectors. This is actually to set up agendas for promoting civic values, civic engagement and action, and seek plausible ways to implement these agendas. This goal and vision will be achieved in both theory and practice, and through domestic and international research collaborations.


Director  Francis Jae-Ryong Song